The Muslim Center

The pun in the name of this site is very intentional.

"Where are the Moderate Muslims? Why don't they speak up?" is a question heard ad infinitum and ad nauseaum. And "But we do." is the answer heard as often. This website, and eventually, Insha Allah, institution is an effort to provide a "go-to" place for those looking for the elusive moderates...and for the moderates to have a place to have their voices entered into the record.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A Muslim Manifesto from Turkey


A Muslim Manifesto

By Mustafa Akyol and Zeyno Baran
Der Spiegel, Germany,1518,404005,00.html

"Who are the moderate Muslims, and why do they not speak up?" After being asked theis question over and over again since 9/11, particularly after the Danish cartoon crisis, Muslim intellectuals Akyol and Baran have proposed this Muslim Manifesto.


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